Lone Tree – Scholarship in the Service of the Koon
Essays in Memory of Anthony T Traill
Edited by: Rainer Voßen, Wilfrid H.G. Haacke. With contributions by: Alan Barnard †, Megan Biesele, Anderson M. Chebanne, George Tucker Childs †, Tim Couzens, Didier Demolin, Hans den Besten †, Edward D. Elderkin, Rosalie Finlayson, Tom Güldemann, Wilfrid H.G. Haacke, Jean-Marie Hombert, Henry J. Honken †, Herrmann Jungraithmayr, Christa König, Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig †, Hirosi Nakagawa, Christfried Naumann, Hitomi Ono, Bonny Sands, Gilles Sicard, Sarah Slabbert, Rainer Voßen, Edwin N. Wilmsen †.
2016458 pp.
2 colour photos, 7 genealogical charts, 1 diagram: Click elaboration !Xoo, Comparative List of Cape Khoekhoe, !Ghora, Nama, 1 figure (Intervallmessung), Map of researched languages, Hukwe Comparative Wordlist, 24 wave-forms, 21 spectrograms
Text language(s): English
Format: 170 x 240 mm
980 g
€ 98.00
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Tim Couzens: A Tribute to Anthony T. Traill
Alan Barnard: Some Puzzles in !Xóõ Kinship Terminology
Hans den Besten†: What We Seem to Know About the Lexicon of Early Cape Dutch Pidgin (and always were afraid to question)
Megan Biesele: Language Development and Community Development in a San Community
Andy Chebanne: The !Xóõ-English-Setswana Trilingual Dictionary in Preparation – an Experience
G. Tucker Childs: Doing What (You Think) Is Right in the Field – Problematizing the Documentation of Endangered Languages
Didier Demolin / Anthony Traill / Gilles Sicard / Jean-Marie Hombert: Odour Terminology in !Xóõ
Edward D. Elderkin: Tonal Patterns in Khwe Verb Conjugation
Rosalie Finlayson / Sarah Slabbert: African Languages in the African Century – Extinction or Revival? Patterns, Trends and Strategies
Tom Güldemann: Phonological Regularities of Consonant Systems in Genetic Lineages of Khoisan
Wilfrid H.G. Haacke: From 17th Century Cape Khoekhoe to 20th Century !Gora and Namibian Khoekhoe
Henry Honken†: Gender Assignment Rules in Ju|'hoan and !Xóõ
Herrmann Jungraithmayr: Verb-Final Glottalisation, Tone and Passivity in Tangale
Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig: Naming Mathematical Concepts in Rumanyo, a Bantu Language of Northern Namibia
Christa König: Evidentials in !Xun
Hirosi Nakagawa: Khoisan Phonotactics – a Case Study from Glui
Christfried Naumann: The Phoneme Inventory of Taa (West !Xoon Dialect)
Hitomi Ono: A Comparison of Kinship Terminologies of West Kalahari Khoe – #Haba, Tshila, Glui, Gllana, and Naro
Bonny Sands: Interpreting Hadza Data
Rainer Vossen: Reflections on J.H. Wilhelm’s “Hukwe” Wordlist
Edwin N. Wilmsen: Evidence for a Multi-Lingual Community in the Tsodilo Hills, Botswana (ca. CE 700-900)
Anthony Traill (1939-2007): List of Publications
Posthumously, the trilingual dictionary
!Xóõ – English – Setswana
by Tony Traill has been published in our programme, see below.
Obituary for Tony Traill (by Tucker Childs)
Accompanying material:
- A !Xóõ Dictionary
(ISBN 978-3-89645-869-8 ) - A Trilingual !Xóõ Dictionary — !Xóõ – English – Setswana
(ISBN 978-3-89645-881-0 ) - Khoisan Languages and Linguistics – 3rd Symposium 2008
(ISBN 978-3-89645-873-5 ) - Language, Identity, and Conceptualization among the Khoisan
(ISBN 978-3-89645-143-9 )
- « Auréoles berbères »
(ISBN 978-3-89645-947-3 ) - « Parcours berbères »
(ISBN 978-3-89645-933-6 ) - Linguistics across Africa
(ISBN 978-3-89645-510-9 ) - Multidisciplinary Views on the Horn of Africa
(ISBN 978-3-89645-683-0 ) - Sprachen und Sprachzeugnisse in Afrika
(ISBN 978-3-927620-95-7 ) - Studia Africana
(ISBN 978-3-89645-915-2 ) - Studia Chadica
(ISBN 978-3-89645-195-8 ) - Studia Chadica et Hamitosemitica
(ISBN 978-3-927620-87-2 ) - The Complete Linguist
(ISBN 978-3-927620-84-1 ) - Zwischen Bantu und Burkina
(ISBN 978-3-89645-348-8 )
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