Multidisciplinary Views on the Horn of Africa

ISBN 978-3-89645-683-0
Festschrift for Rainer Voigt

Multidisciplinary Views on the Horn of Africa

Festschrift in Honour of Rainer Voigt’s 70th Birthday

Edited by: Hatem Elliesie. With a preface by: Hatem Elliesie. With contributions by: Beniam Mitiku, Francis Breyer, Maria Bulakh, Bogdan Burtea, Dirk Bustorf, Frederica De Sisto, Hatem Elliesie, Orin D. Gensler, Klaus Geus, Marlene Guss-Kosicka, Jörg Haustein, Hani Hayajneh, Joachim W. Herzig, Carsten Hoffmann, Saleh Mahmud Idris, David Kersting, Gerhard Krebs, Angela M. Müller, Tanja R. Müller, Ulrike-Rebekka Nieten, Astrid Otto, Till Peter Otto, Maija Priess, Monika Schuol, Katrin Seidel, Wolbert G.C. Smidt, Rainer Voigt, Charlotte Wedekind, Klaus Wedekind †, Zeus Wellnhofer. Series edited by: Rainer Voigt, Hatem Elliesie.

Series: SHA Studien zum Horn von Afrika Volume 1

38 pp. Roman, 667 pp.
With English abstracts. 5 maps, 18 colour photos, 5 b/w photos, 3 diagrams, 2 graphs, 22 drawings, 1 colour figure, 7 facsimile reproductions, 27 musical notations, name and subject index, numerous tables and charts
Text language(s): English, German
Format: 170 x 240 mm
1450 g
€ 98.00

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Editor’s foreword / Vorwort des Herausgebers
Schriftenverzeichnis Rainer Voigt 2004–2014

Internal & external denomination / Eigen- & Fremdbezeichnungen

Francis Breyer: Äthiopisches in altägyptischen Quellen? Eine kritische Evaluation
Klaus Geus: Die Aithiopen und die afrikanische Ostküste in der Geographie des Ptolemaios – Ein Überblick
Wolbert G.C. Smidt: The term Habäša – An ancient ethnonym of the “Abyssinian” highlanders and its interpretations and connotations


Katrin Seidel / Hatem Elliesie: The current state of research on contemporary Islam in Ethiopia – a critical assessment
Dirk Bustorf: Islam and interethnic dynamics in Southwestern Ethiopia (19th to early 20th century)
Jörg Haustein: Pentecostal and charismatic christianity in Ethiopia – a historical introduction to a largely unexplored movement

Magic & healing in Ethiopian christianity / Magie & Heilung im äthiopischen Christentum

Bogdan Burtea: Zur magischen Literatur im christlichen Äthiopien
Astrid Otto: Magier, Wahrsager – Betrüger oder wahre Heiler?
Till Peter Otto: Eingenähte Zauberpergamente aus Äthiopien

Culture & literature / Kultur & Literatur

Angela M. Müller: Yet it is caused by malign blood …
Frederica De Sisto: A review of local systems to make peace in the Kafa society of Southern Ethiopia – strengths and weaknesses
Carsten Hoffmann: Ethnizität und Ethnogenesen am Horn von Afrika nach den Inschriften von König ‘Ezana

Music & liturgy / Musik & Liturgie

Ulrike-Rebekka Nieten: Die Gesangstradition der Äthiopisch-Orthodoxen Kirche
Maija Priess: Die Feuersymbolik in den äthiopischen liturgischen Texten
Klaus Wedekind: The “Bayati / Bati” scales of the “Tambour / Krar” and the lute in Egypt and Ethiopia

The Horn of Africa between the continents / Das Horn von Afrika zwischen den Kontinenten

Monika Schuol: Soqotra – Drehscheibe für Fernhandel und Kulturtransfer vor dem Horn von Afrika?
Gerhard Krebs: König Salomon und Jinmu Tenno – Japan und Äthiopien in der Weltgeschichte
David Kersting: Piraterie vor der Küste Somalias – Eine kritische Perspektive auf das maritime Horn von Afrika als geopolitische Arena

Education / Bildungswesen

Joachim W. Herzig / Wolbert G.C. Smidt: Die neue Hochschullandschaft Äthiopiens – Gegenwärtige Entwicklungen
Tanja R. Müller: Human resource development and the state – dynamics of the militarisation of education in Eritrea
Saleh Mahmud Idris: The development of a writing system to promote literacy in Eritrea

Arabic-Ethiopian relationship / Arabisch-Äthiopische Beziehungen

Zeus Wellnhofer: Die arabisch-altäthiopische Übersetzungsliteratur im historischen Kontext des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts
Hani Hayajneh: Abessinisches aus den arabischen Überlieferungen – Randbemerkungen

Linguistics I: phonology & morphology / Sprachwissenschaft I: Phonologie & Morphologie

Orin Gensler: Long a in modern Ethiosemitic and Proto-Ethiosemitic
Beniam Mitiku: Morphophonemics of the causative in Harari
Charlotte & Klaus Wedekind: Beja – How well does the current parser analyse input texts?

Linguistics II: syntax / Sprachwissenschaft II: Syntax

Marlene Guss-Kosicka: Konverbale Konstruktionen im Amharischen und Tigrinischen
Maria Bulakh: Non-verbal predication in epigraphic Ge‘ez
Rainer Voigt: Äthiosemitische und oromonische Syntax


Under Resources you will find the full review by Paolo La Spisa.

Under this link you will find further festschrifts and memorial volumes for renowned scholars published in our programme.

Accompanying material:



The first volume of the series ‘Studien zum Horn von Afrika’ edited by Rainer Voigt and Hatem Elliesie, is entirely devoted to the Festschrift in honour of Professor Rainer Voigt on the occasion of his 70th birthday (17th of January, 2014), which goes under the title “Multidisciplinary Views on the Horn of Africa”. As specified in the foreword by the editor Hatem Elliesie, this astounding book contains the main results of three different international conferences on the Horn of Africa, hosted by the Rainer Voigt’s chair of Semitic Studies, funded by the Freie Universität Berlin since 2009. [...]

As has been said above, despite the broad range of disciplines touched by this work, it must be specified that this first volume of the “Studien zum Horn von Afrika” series offers a first selection of the multidisciplinary aspects concerning this rich geographic and cultural area. We hope that several other volumes will follow in the future, in order to develop and enrich this manifold and seminal branch of knowledge.

Paolo La Spisa in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 2017, 112/1, 281-283

In addition to its contents, there are at least three reasons to consider the book under review an important contribution to Ethiopian studies. First of all, it is presented in the form of a Festschrift in honour of Rainer Voigt, one of the most distinguished Semitists and Ethiopianists, active now for more than four decades, who has contributed extensively to the investigation of Ethiopian Semitic languages as well as the Semitic and Afroasiatic at large, occasionally even beyond these limits. [...]

Secondly, this book inaugurates the new series, "Studien zum Horn von Afrika" (four have appeared to date), published by the Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, a publisher well known to all those interested in African linguistics. The series further expands the number of scholarly contributions on the area of Ethiopian and Eritrean studies, Orbis aethiopicus, or even – with a clearly marked geographical target and with a less methodologically oriented approach – Horn of Africa studies: this aspect is quite in keeping with the heterogeneous profile of the volume. Thirdly, the book documents the scholarly activities developed by the Arbeitskreis Äthiopistik at the Freie Universität Berlin led by Voigt and coordinated by the editor, Hatem Elliesie. In fact, the Festschrift mainly consists of papers presented at three colloquia hosted by the Chair of Semitistik at the FU Berlin since 2009 [...], plus additional contributions from invited authors and fellows. Some of the latter contributions in particular bring the research in some special fields up to date, and offer a valid starting point for further research. [...]

The editorial apparatus of this volume is remarkable. Very welcome is the final Index, but there is also a long list of abbreviations that would be more appropriate to an encyclopaedia than to a miscellany [...]

The editor and the publishing house should be congratulated for this achievement.

Alessandro Bausi in Aethiopica, 20/2017, 276-280

PDF documents:

PDFReview by Paolo La Spisa in the „Orientalistischen Literaturzeitung“ 2017(≈ 142 kB)
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