Mungaka (Bali) Dictionary
A Grassfields Bantu Language of Cameroon
Compiled by: Georg Tischhauser. Translated by: Johannes Stöckle †. In collaboration with: Ba Samuel Feh Tita Mangwa. With a preface by: D. Ganyonga III, Johannes Stöckle †. With an introduction by: Gudrun Miehe, Johannes Stöckle †. Series edited by: Gudrun Miehe.
Series: AAM Archiv afrikanistischer Manuskripte Volume 1
199212 pp. Roman, 438 pp.
Text language(s): English
Format: 170 x 240 mm
740 g
€ 69.80
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Mungaka, a Grassfields Bantu language, belongs to the speech group Niger-Congo and is spoken as a mother tongue by about 45,000 people, but understood by many more inhabitants of the North-Western part of Cameroon. The Dictionary Mungaka-German was written by Georg Tischhauser in the 1930s and completely revised and translated into English by Johannes Stöckle (1911–2012), aided by a native speaker of Mungaka. Cultural backgrounds as well as specific contexts of the entries were taken into account and illustrated with numerous examples.
A grammatical sketch by Gudrun Miehe and Johannes Stöckle gives an insight into the basic grammatical structure of the language. The last part of the dictionary is made up of an English-Mungaka index.
Under these links you will find descriptions of further Cameroonian Bantoid, Bantu- and Grassfields Bantu languages, among them a collection of traditions, folktales and proverbs of the Bali-Nyonga:
Accompanying material:
- A Descriptive Grammar of Bafut
(ISBN 978-3-89645-551-2 ) - A Descriptive Grammar of Bangwà
(ISBN 978-3-89645-563-5 ) - A Descriptive Grammar of Basaa (A.43)
(ISBN 978-3-89645-773-8 ) - A Grammatical Description of Metta (Cameroon) in Relation to Focus Parametric Variation
(ISBN 978-3-89645-544-4 ) - A Pedagogic Grammar of Babanki
(ISBN 978-3-89645-558-1 ) - Akum, Ala’atening and Mankon: Dialects or Languages?
(ISBN 978-3-89645-562-8 ) - Analyse contrastive des parlers Yémba du département de la Ménoua de l’Ouest-Cameroun
(ISBN 978-3-89645-046-3 ) - Bankon (A40)
(ISBN 978-3-89645-030-2 ) - Engagement with Africa
(ISBN 978-3-89645-768-4 ) - Grammaire descriptive du pólrì
(ISBN 978-3-89645-567-3 ) - Kejom (Babanki) – English Lexicon
(ISBN 978-3-89645-782-0 ) - Lamnso’-English Dictionary
(ISBN 978-3-89645-429-4 ) - Mòkpè (Bakweri) – English Dictionary
(ISBN 978-3-927620-33-9 ) - Research Mate in African Linguistics – Focus on Cameroon
(ISBN 978-3-89645-041-8 ) - Structural and Typological Approaches
to Obang Grammar
(ISBN 978-3-89645-568-0 ) - Traditions, Tales and Proverbs of the Bali-Nyonga
(ISBN 978-3-927620-32-2 ) - Verbal Serialisation in Isu (West Ring)
(ISBN 978-3-89645-555-0 )
- A Study of Mambila – Emmi Meyer’s Mambila-Studie
(ISBN 978-3-89645-234-4 ) - Bantu Languages
(ISBN 978-3-89645-705-9 ) - Domains and Regions in Bantu Tense and Aspect
(ISBN 978-3-89645-772-1 ) - Linguistic Salvage – Isubu and Wovea (Bantu A231)
(ISBN 978-3-89645-770-7 ) - Proceedings of the 4th WOCAL World Congress of African Linguistics, New Brunswick 2003
(ISBN 978-3-89645-338-9 ) - Proceedings of the 6th WOCAL World Congress of African Linguistics, Cologne, 17-21 August 2009
(ISBN 978-3-89645-199-6 ) - The Bantu Bibliography
(ISBN 978-3-89645-181-1 )
Les spécialistes des langues du Bantou des Grassfields ne peuvent que se réjouir de la parution de ce dictionnaire mungaka (bali), qui, sans l’initiative de J. Stöckle, et de la maison d’édition Rüdiger Köppe, leur serait peut-etre a jamais resté inaccessible. [...] En ce qui concerne la notation du mungaka, Stöckle a conservé l’orthographe originale mais prend soin de donner a la (p. 32) la liste des symboles équivalents, couramment utilisés par les linguistes travaillant sur les langues de la région. De plus, les tons sont marqués [...] Chaque article fournit des informations d’ordre grammatical, telles la catégorie (N, V, Adj, etc.); lorsqu’il s’agit d’un nom, la forme plurale est indiquée, si elle diffère de la forme singulier et les accords sont parfois mentionnés. [...] Ce dictionnaire est le premier ouvrage d’une collection “Archiv afrikanistischer Manuskripte”, dont l’objectif est de publier ouvrages linguistiques “oubliés” dans bibliothèques d’instituts ou privées. Il s’agit d’une excellente initiative, et il est a espérer que cette première publication sera suivie de nombreuses autres tout aussi intéressantes.
Jacqueline Leroy in Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 17/1, 1996, 95ff
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