AAM Archiv afrikanistischer Manuskripte

AAM Archiv afrikanistischer Manuskripte

AAM Archiv afrikanistischer Manuskripte

AAM Archiv afrikanistischer Manuskripte

AAM Archiv afrikanistischer Manuskripte

Edited by: Clarissa Vierke, Gudrun Miehe. Series founded by: Gudrun Miehe, Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg.

University of Bayreuth, Germany

This series edits unpublished works on the language and literature of Africa and on the history of ideas. Often precious documents are hidden in private or institutional libraries because they could not, for various reasons, be published by their authors. It is the aim of this series to secure these documents by means of publication, to revise and – if necessary – to annotate them, and to make them available to the public.

The contributions to this series are double peer-reviewed.

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