Temne Stories · Erzählungen der Temne · Mump me Themne

Temne Stories · Erzählungen der Temne · Mump me Themne

ISBN 978-3-927620-76-6

Temne Stories · Erzählungen der Temne · Mump me Themne

Compiled by: Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig †. Translated by: Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig †, Abdul Karim Turay. Edited by: Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig †. With drawings by: Idriss Koroma, Adelheid Winter.

280 pp.
Text in Temne, English and German, 94 drawings
Text language(s): English, German
Format: 160 x 240 mm
520 g
€ 39.80

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This volume presents 18 narrations of the Temne in the Northwest of Sierra Leone. The English and the German versions were independently translated from the original Temne manuscript. They are free translations insofar as the translators aim was to reflect the literary beauty of the original texts rather than to give a true picture ot their linguistic structure.

The style of the English versions does not necessarily correspond to Standard English, it is mostly Krio-English (“Kringlish”). Since performances of Temne oral literature are highly dependent on the reaction and the active participation of the audience, verbal reactions of this kind have been rendered in the texts.

The publication project was sponsored by the Cultural Department of the Ministry of External Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. Since oral art has died a silent death in many parts of Africa over the last decades, the editors want to contribute to the conservation of oral tradition in Sierra Leone which is evidently an exception to the general trend.

Under these links you will find publications by the volume editor and further text collections and analyses of African oral literatures, as well as in our series

Afrika erzählt

Verbal Art and Documentary Literature in African Languages

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