Études berbères V – Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles

ISBN 978-3-89645-928-2

Études berbères V – Essais sur des variations dialectales et autres articles

Actes du « 5. Bayreuth-Frankfurt-Leidener Kolloquium zur Berberologie », Leiden, 8–11 octobre 2008

Edited by: Harry Stroomer, Maarten Kossmann, Dymitr Ibriszimow, Rainer Voßen. With contributions by: Fatima Boukhris, Malika Chakiri, Robert Kerr, Maarten Kossmann, Mena Lafkioui, Cécile Lux, Gérard Philippson, André Savage, Lameen Souag, Catherine Taine-Cheikh. Series edited by: Harry Stroomer.

Series: BS Berber Studies Volume 28

212 pp.
4 graphs, numerous tables and charts
Text language(s): French, English
Format: 170 x 240 mm
460 g
€ 59.80

The 5. Bayreuth-Frankfurt-Leidener Kolloquium zur Berberologie took place at the University of Leiden / the Netherlands from 8–11 October 2008. The focus of attention was on the dialectal variation of the Berber languages. The contributions dealt, amongst others, with morphological as well as syntactical aspects, proverbs and topicalisation of various Berber languages.


Fatima Boukhris: La variation morphosyntaxique en amazighe – Position et ordre des pronoms clitiques

Malika Chakiri: La locution nominale en tamazighte, aspects morphologique et syntaxique

Robert Kerr: Some thoughts on the origins of the Libyco-Berber alphabet

Maarten Kossmann: Grammatical notes on the Berber dialect of Igli (Sud oranais, Algeria)

Mena Lafkioui: La topicalisation en berbère – Formes et structures

Cécile Lux / Gérard Philippson: L’accent en tetserret et en tamacheq – Contacts et contrastes

André Savage: Un proverbe touareg, plusieurs variantes, un seul sens

Lameen Souag: The western Berber stratum in Kwarandzyey (Tabelbala, Algeria)

Catherine Taine-Cheikh: Ordre, injonction, souhait et serment en Zénaga (étude comparative)


Under these links you will find the proceedings volumes of Études berbères and publications by the contributors:

Accompanying material:



Berber linguistics is a relatively recent, but fast growing field, although scholars from outside francophone countries still give little attention to this area of research. The “Berber Studies” series which is irregularly published since 2001 is an excellent confirmation of the emerging body of scholarship that also includes Berber languages‘ native speakers. Volume 28 [...] is dealing with the stereotype of Berber languages seen as one Berber language and brings fresh view on Berber linguistics. [...]

As a whole, the volume can be considered as a very valuable review of the main domains of Berber linguistics and as a presentation of some pioneer aspects in this field. It can serve as an useful handbook and source material for linguistic research.

Marta Jackowska in Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures, 45/2011, 91-94

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