Current Research in Nilo-Saharan
14th Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium, Vienna, 30th May – 1st June 2019
Edited by: Roger M. Blench, Petra Weschenfelder, Georg Ziegelmeyer. With an introduction by: Roger M. Blench, Petra Weschenfelder, Georg Ziegelmeyer. With contributions by: Kamal Hussein Abdallah, Colleen Ahland, Torben Andersen, Roger M. Blench, Francis O. Egbokhare, El-Shafie El-Guzuuli, Elsadig Omda Ibrahim Elnur, Tom Güldemann, Anne-Christie Hellenthal, Marcus Jaeger, Prisca Jerono, Roland Kießling, Alice Mitchell, Doris L. Payne, Ronald P. Schaefer, Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei. Series edited by: Angelika Mietzner, Alice Mitchell, Anne Storch. Series edited in collaboration with: Norbert Cyffer, Jane Akinyi Ngala Oduor, Doris L. Payne.
Series: NISA Nilo-Saharan – Studies in Language and Context Volume 32
20226 pp. Roman, 189 pp.
5 colour maps, 1 b/w map, 5 genealogical charts, numerous tables and charts
Text language(s): English
Format: 160 x 240 mm
400 g
€ 69.80
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NISA Nilo-Saharan is a huge African symposium which works on a comprehensive, coherent linguistic phylum (area), which comprises Mali and Niger in West Africa up to Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania in Eastern Africa. The main purpose of the colloquium is to bring scholars of Nilo-Saharan languages together for scholarly exchange and discussion. Many Nilo-Saharan languages have little or no documentation. Only through adequate cooperation with colleagues from all over the world fundamental progress can be achieved in this vast research area. The symposium has a long tradition, since the first symposium took place in Kisumu, Kenya already in 1986.
The University of Vienna was given the mandate to arrange the 14th symposium which took place from the 30th of May to 1st of June 2019. To judge by the presentations and submissions at the Conference in Vienna, a number of research trends can be distinguished. Positive interest includes a) classification and genetic affiliation and b) morphosyntax. By contrast, phonology and all types of sociolinguistics appear to show reduced interest. Southern Sudan has seen a focus of activity on practical orthographies, especially for Surmic languages, and many of these circulate as unpublished manuscripts. Writing and media use are essential aspects of language conservation in the modern world. It is to be hoped that these areas will be under discussion in upcoming conferences. A very positive trend set by the Nubian panel is the contribution of first language speakers whose understanding of their language provides insight into new research areas. Much more insight is to be gained by such contributions of first language speakers, and future research should encourage and establish that trend.
Roger Blench / Petra Weschenfelder / Georg Ziegelmeyer
Chabu and Kadu: Two orphan branches of Nilo-Saharan
Roger M. Blench
Revisiting Komuz: New Evidence that supports an old proposal
Colleen Ahland
A survey of demonstratives in Gwama
Anne-Christie Hellenthal
East Sudanic
The historical-comparative status of East Sudanic
Tom Güldemann
Tone changes in Nara (Northern East Sudanic)
Elsadig Omda Ibrahim Elnur
East Sudanic: Nubian
Reduplication in Andaandi (Nile Nubian)
El-Shafie El-Guzuuli
Preliminary study of deontic modality in Andaandi Nubian
Kamal Hussein Abdallah / Marcus Jaeger
A new set of subject markers in Old Nubian
Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei
Locus of number marking and its typology
Ronald Schaefer / Francis Egbokhare
East Sudanic: Nilotic
Tugen interrogatives
Prisca Jerono
Future, persistive, and negative perfect – Disentangling diachronic fusion in Datooga verbal inflection
Roland Kießling
Hey, bonikala – Language contact and experiences of Swahili among rural Datooga children
Alice Mitchell
Some remarkable features of Regariik (Northern Burun, Western Nilotic)
Torben Andersen
Non-verbal predication and copular constructions in Maa (Eastern Nilotic)
Doris L. Payne
Under these links you will find publications of the contributors and further proceedings volumes of the Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquia in Cologne, Hamburg, Khartoum, Paris and Nice:
Accompanying material:
- Actes du Cinquième Colloque de Linguistique Nilo-Saharienne / Proceedings of the Fifth Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium, Nice, 24–29 August 1992
(ISBN 978-3-927620-72-8 ) - Advances in Nilo-Saharan Linguistics
(ISBN 978-3-89645-140-8 ) - Insights into Nilo-Saharan Language, History and Culture
(ISBN 978-3-89645-660-1 ) - Nilo-Saharan – Models and Descriptions
(ISBN 978-3-89645-665-6 ) - Nilo-Saharan Issues and Perspectives
(ISBN 978-3-89645-667-0 )
- A Dictionary of Emai
(ISBN 978-3-89645-468-3 ) - A Grammar of Belanda Boor
(ISBN 978-3-89645-664-9 ) - African Linguistics in the 21st Century
(ISBN 978-3-89645-765-3 ) - Cherang’any
(ISBN 978-3-89645-666-3 ) - Cherangany–English and English–Cherangany Dictionary
(ISBN 978-3-89645-224-5 ) - Motion in Datooga
(ISBN 978-3-89645-668-7 ) - Reference Grammar of Kanuri (Nigeria)
(ISBN 978-3-89645-670-0 ) - Räumliche Orientierung in nilotischen Sprachen
(ISBN 978-3-89645-661-8 ) - The Fur Verb and its Context
(ISBN 978-3-89645-663-2 )
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