Prosodic Aspects of Baule
With Special Reference to the German of Baule Speakers
Author: Firmin Ahoua. Series edited by: Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig †, Bernd Heine.
Series: GA Grammatical Analyses of African Languages Volume 6
1996220 pp.
1 map, 65 tables, 13 diagrams, 6 graphs
Text language(s): English
Format: 160 x 240 mm
370 g
€ 49.80
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Baule / Baoulé / Bawoulé is the major language of Côte d’Ivoire / West Africa with appr. 5,5 mio. speakers (source: Wikipedia 2020). Genealogically it belongs to the Kwa languages (Niger-Congo). This book is devoted to the prosody of Baule with the main emphasis on syllable template, tonal rules and aspects of intonation.
Taking Baule as an example, the author examines the importance of rhythm and intonation in West African tonal languages. Furthermore, parallels and differences between the prosody of Baule and German are described.
Under these links you will find publications by the author and descriptions of further West African (Kwa) languages and cultures:
Accompanying material:
- An English-Efutu Dictionary
(ISBN 978-3-89645-513-0 ) - Contes et textes documentaires kwa de Côte d’Ivoire
(ISBN 978-3-89645-267-2 ) - Conversational Strategies in Akan
(ISBN 978-3-89645-262-7 ) - Morphophonologie des langues kwa de Côte d’Ivoire
(ISBN 978-3-89645-545-1 ) - The Grammar of Verbs and their Arguments
(ISBN 978-3-89645-769-1 ) - The Voice of the Elders
(ISBN 978-3-89645-278-8 ) - Voices of Affliction
(ISBN 978-3-89645-245-0 ) - Zerrissene Entfaltung
(ISBN 978-3-89645-202-3 )
- A Linguistic Study of Ewe Animal Names among the Ewe of Ghana
(ISBN 978-3-89645-474-4 ) - Basic Ewe for Foreign Students
(ISBN 978-3-89645-584-0 ) - Dictionnaire Fon–Français
(ISBN 978-3-89645-463-8 ) - Dictionnaire Fon–Français / Français–Fon
(ISBN 978-3-89645-472-0 ) - Dictionnaire Français–Fon
(ISBN 978-3-89645-471-3 ) - Interrogative and Syntactic Inquiries
(ISBN 978-3-89645-723-3 ) - Kurzgrammatik des Ewe
(ISBN 978-3-927620-19-3 ) - Le Maxi du Centre-Bénin et du Centre-Togo
(ISBN 978-3-89645-031-9 ) - Les emprunts linguistiques d’origine européenne en Fon (Nouveau Kwa, Gbe: Bénin)
(ISBN 978-3-89645-036-4 ) - Verbal Art of the Fon (Benin)
(ISBN 978-3-89645-288-7 ) - Vodun Stories of the Fon (Benin)
(ISBN 978-3-89645-734-9 )
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