Spaces in Movement
New Perspectives on Migration in African Settings
Edited by: Mustafa Abdalla, Denise Dias Barros, Marina Berthet. With contributions by: Mustafa Abdalla, Sophie Bava, Abdoul Hadi Pingréwaoga Béma Savadogo, Marina Berthet, Pierre Cissé, Denise Dias Barros, Augustin Emane, Gunvor Jónsson, Senni Jyrkiäinen, Bréhima Kassibo, Magnus Treiber, Christian Ungruhe.
Series: TIAS Topics in Interdisciplinary African Studies Volume 35
2014205 pp.
1 colour figure, numerous tables and charts
Text language(s): English, French
Format: 160 x 240 mm
380 g
€ 39.80
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Migration in Africa has gained a new impetus in recent years through the expansion of destinations away from local urban centers and regional economic hubs into far-off places beyond the African continent. In the same vein, mobility within Africa itself, in its various forms, has also started to receive more attention. Consequently, there is a pressing need to develop new ways of looking at this phenomenon.
While African mobility outside of the continent has been a central concern in academic studies, the focus in this book, is on opportunities, challenges posed by internal migration and the workings of migration in general in African settings today.
With this contribution, the editors strive to fill some of the gaps about the question of mobility within the African context. Addressing issues specific to people’s mobility and their influence on religion, economy, politics, traditions, societies on shifting grounds, gender relations, and cultural interactions, this volume is an attempt to cover a range of pressing questions on modern migration by Africans within Africa.
Augustin Emane: Les migrations de travail en Afrique face aux instruments juridiques
Bréhima Kassibo / Pierre Cissé: D’un savoir faire à l’autre – Migration et transformations sociales en Afrique, le cas des migrants maliens
Denise Dias Barros / Mustafa Abdalla: The Resonance of Travel in a Dogon Village – Pilgrimage Experience, Mobility and Social Change in Songho, Mali
Sophie Bava: Des pratiques religieuses dans la mobilité aux figures religieuses de la migration africaine
Abdoul Hadi Pingréwaoga Béma Savadogo: Islam, migration estudiantine et espace en mouvement – La réponse des établissements supérieurs privés et des associations islamiques burkinabè
Christian Ungruhe: Migration, Marriage, and Modernity – Motives, Impacts, and Negotiations of Rural-Urban Circulation among Young Women in Northern Ghana
Senni Jyrkiäinen: Fluid Autonomies – Male Mobility and the Changing Position of Females in Upper Egypt
Gunvor Jόnsson: Non-migrant, Sedentary, Immobile, or “Left Behind”? Reflections on the Absence of Migration
Marina Berthet: Ceux qui sont de passage et ceux qui restent – L’émigration capverdienne à São Tomé et Príncipe
Magnus Treiber: Becoming by Moving – Khartoum and Addis Ababa as Migratory Stages between Eritrea and “Something”
About the main editor:
Dr. Mustafa Abdalla holds a masters degree in anthropology from the American University Cairo and a doctoral degree in anthropology from the Freie Universität Berlin. He conducts research both in Egypt and Mali focusing on health issues, gender, sexuality, migration and religion. Mustafa Abdalla is affiliated to the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, The Free University, Berlin and Casa das Áfricas, São Paulo Brazil. He received scholarships, research and conference grants from the American University in Cairo, Free University in Berlin and the German Research Council (DFG).
In our programme further studies on escape/refuge, migration and transnationalism research have been published, see the following links:
Accompanying material:
- Lifeworlds of Young Men beyond Migration and Immobility in Pikine, Senegal
(ISBN 978-3-89645-914-5 ) - Migration and Conflict
(ISBN 978-3-89645-903-9 ) - Nation im Exil?
(ISBN 978-3-89645-826-1 ) - Nomades des espaces interstitiels
(ISBN 978-3-89645-252-8 ) - The Global Nuer
(ISBN 978-3-89645-908-4 )
- Arbeit, Sklaverei und Erinnerung
(ISBN 978-3-89645-349-5 ) - Ethnizität und Markt
(ISBN 978-3-89645-248-1 ) - Flucht als Politik
(ISBN 978-3-89645-347-1 ) - Fulfulde-Studien – Fula Studies
(ISBN 978-3-89645-011-1 ) - Inklusion und Exklusion
(ISBN 978-3-89645-300-6 ) - Les Fulbe du Boobola
(ISBN 978-3-89645-301-3 ) - The Ingrained Art of Survival
(ISBN 978-3-89645-250-4 )
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TiAS_35 Introduction | (≈ 47 kB) |
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