Hör- und Sprechtexte zum Swahili Übungsbuch (Audio-Kassetten)
Author: Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig †, Bernd Heine. In collaboration with: Hassan Adam. Series edited by: Wilhelm J.G. Möhlig †, Bernd Heine.
Series: Study Books of African Languages Volume 4
1992ca. 235 Minuten
Chrome Dioxide
Text language(s): Swahili
Format: 108 x 70 mm
140 g
€ 29.80
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The 2 tape cassettes contain the exercises for listening and speaking that are dealt with in the Swahili-Übungsbuch. The texts are read by three native speakers from East Africa and run approx. for 4 hours, including the necessary breaks for reading the drills aloud by yourself.
Please find four sample files of the cassettes below.
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