
ISBN 978-3-89645-729-5


Männlichkeit im Wandel der Geschlechterverhältnisse

Author: Michael Meuser. With a laudatio by: Andrea Maihofer. Series edited by: Trutz von Trotha †, Rainer Geißler.

Series: SBS Siegener Beiträge zur Soziologie Volume 9

108 pp.
with a laudatory speech by Andrea Maihofer
Text language(s): German
€ 29.80

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This book includes printed versions of lectures by Michael Meuser to mark the Helge Pross ceremony 2004 of the University of Siegen. Michael Meuser challenges gender sociology as well as the dominating discussion about changes in gender relations in a twofold way. Firstly, he emphasizes that the social construction of manhood is mainly a matter of men as closed society, dealt with in the “earnest games” of male competition and distinction. Secondly, he raises the question about which developments besides feminism and feminist movements act as decisive factors for change and future of gender organization in post-industrial societies. Taking the Modernisation Theory as basis he analyses the “challenges”, addressing civil gender organisation, resulting from structural changes in family relations, education, and most notably gainful employment.

Meuser diagnoses acts of “de-traditionalization” as well as “discoursing” of paternity in the changed family relations. Those acts are often filled with ambivalence, potentially leading to both, adjustment or strengthening of gender differentiation. Concerning the main motive power of the change of gender organisation, Meuser discusses the modification of gainful employment and the closely connected educational domain. Feminisation of gainful employment leads to a progressive termination of homo-social fields in the professional world, rearranging the core of civil gender organisation, which is linked closer to the economic structure of society then emancipation movements for “de-traditionalization” and “discoursing” would display.

The following Helge Pross lectures have been collected and published in the same series:

Accompanying material:

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