Dictionnaire Sénoufo–Français

ISBN 978-3-89645-115-6

Dictionnaire Sénoufo–Français

Sénanri – parler tyébara (Côte d’Ivoire). Avec un index français–tyébara

Author: Richard Mills. Series edited by: Gudrun Miehe, Brigitte Reineke, Manfred von Roncador.

Series: Gur Monographs · Monographies Voltaïques Volume 5

23 pp. Roman, 1503 pp.
Part I: XVIII, pp. 1-743, Part II: V, pp. 744-1503, 1 map, 261 illustrations, appendices: 1. Faune et flore, 2. Mois, semaines et périodes, 3. Chiffres, nombres et monnaies
Text language(s): French
Format: 160 x 240 mm
3000 g
€ 99.80

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Sénoufo / Senufo is one of the four subfamilies of the Gur or Volta-Congo languages and belongs to the four most important language families of this region, together with Kru, Kwa und Mande. It is further structured into the five languages Minianka, Supyire, Senanri (with the dialects Nyafolo, Nafara, Tyébara and Nowolo), Senar und Tafire. Senanri is spoken within the vicinity of the villages Korhogo, Ferkéssédougou, Boundiali and Tingréla.

The dialect used in the lexicon is Tyébara, which is the most important dialect of the south and functions as lingua franca of Korhogo. This can be explained by the precolonial background: this dialect has been the official language of the precolonial kingdom of the Tyébara. Furthermore, during colonial times it had – and still has – a big administrative influence on the whole region. Tyébara and the other Senanri dialects are intelligible.

The lexicon consists of the following parts: Tyébara–French, French–Tyébara and three appendices: 1. Faune et flore 2. Mois, semaines et périodes and 3. Chiffres, nombres et monnaies.

The book emerged in coherence with missionary occupations of the author during several longer stays at Korhogo and Abidjan between 1951 and 1999.


Under these links you will find further descriptions of the Sénoufo language family, of languages and cultures in Côte d’Ivoire and of other West African languages featuring noun class systems:

Accompanying material:



The work under review is dedicated to the Senufo people who were able to preserve their cultural heritage. According to R. Mills, their intellectual vigour and moral values are well reflected in their language. Thanks to the missionary’s efforts and devotion all this was perpetuated and protected against a danger of the language death which is not seldom case in the African reality.

Stanislaw Pilaszewicz in Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures, 35/2004, 56-58

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