Anywa-English and English-Anywa Dictionary

Anywa-English and English-Anywa Dictionary

Anywa-English and English-Anywa Dictionary

ISBN 978-3-89645-132-3

Anywa-English and English-Anywa Dictionary

Author: Mechthild Reh. In collaboration with: Sam A. Akwey, Cham U. Uriat. Series edited by: M. Lionel Bender †, Franz Rottland †, Norbert Cyffer.

Series: NISA Nilo-Saharan – Studies in Language and Context Volume 14

16 pp. Roman, 134 pp.
Text language(s): English
Format: 150 x 210 mm
220 g
€ 36.80

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The present volume complements the study of the Anywa language by the same author published in 1996. Anywa is a western Nilotic language related to Shilluk and used to be spoken in Ethiopia and Sudan along the rivers Sobat, Baro, Gelo, and Akobo by approximately 200,000 people. More recent data estimate a number of only 100,000 speakers anymore.

The lexical material was collected during an extended field study in Khartoum between July 1985 and March 1989 by the author with the help of S.A. Akwey. In 1997 C.U. Uriat cross-checked the Anywa entries and their English equivalents, provided additional material and supplied appropriate sentences to illustrate the use of the lexemes.

By the main author of this dictionary a comprehensive grammar of Anywa was published in the same series, see the following link:

Accompanying material:


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