LCA Language Contact in Africa

ISSN 2700-2608
Series founded by: Hans-Jürgen Sasse †, Rainer Voßen. Series edited by: Klaus Beyer, Henning Schreiber.
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, University of Hamburg, Germany
Language Contact in Africa is a forum for the analysis and documentation of situations of language contact in Africa. The series includes diachronic as well as synchronic descriptions. Its main focus is on studies discussing the consequences of language contact, like code switching and code mixing, language shift, language loss and death of language, pidginisation and creolisation, etc.
Hereby, the works either concentrate on a linguistic-structural or a sociolinguistic aspect. The series will appear at irregular intervals and comprises both monographs and collections of papers.
The manuscripts of this series are double peer-reviewed.
- Volume 7
The Role of Wolof in Multilingual Conversations in the Casamance (forthcoming)
Author: Miriam Maria Weidl. - Volume 6
Tsotsitaal in South Africa
Author: Ellen Hurst-Harosh. - Volume 5
Linguistic Landshapes
Author: Tove Rosendal. With a preface by: Neville Alexander †. - Volume 4
Inheritance, Contact, and Change in Two East African Languages
Author: Derek Nurse. - Volume 3
Sprachwandel durch Sprachkontakt am Beispiel des Nubischen im Niltal
Author: Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst. - Volume 2
Ethnographie des Sprachwechsels
Author: Gabriele Sommer. - Volume 1
Codeswitching in Gambia
Author: Delia Haust.
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