Karakorum – Hindukush – Himalaya

Karakorum – Hindukush – Himalaya

ISBN 978-3-89645-154-5

Karakorum – Hindukush – Himalaya

Dynamics of Change

Edited by: Irmtraud Stellrecht. With a preface by: Irmtraud Stellrecht. With contributions by: Tor Aase, Shafeeq Ahmad, Yuri Badenkov, Zhang Baiping, Elena Bashir, Erhard Bauer, Roland Bielmeier, Gerald Braun, David Butz, Muhammad Azam Chaudhary, Janardan B. Khatri Chhetri, Jürgen Clemens, Sandra de Vries, Andreas Dittmann, Zheng Du, Inayatullah Faizi, Umar Farooq, Firdaus-e-Bareen, Reinhard Fischer, Monique Fort, Katrin Gratz, Kim Gutschow, Niels Gutschow, Ruth Göhlen, Roland Hansen, John Harrison, Muhammad Hassan Hasrat, Kenneth Hewitt, Wolfgang Holzwarth, Syed H. Iqbal, Lasafam Iturrizaga, Jack D. Ives, Jens-Peter Jacobsen, Zahid Javed Janjua, Maheshwar P. Joshi, Parveen Daud Kamal, Aleem Ahmed Khan, Mohammad Anwar Khan, Mohammad Ishaq Khan, Muhammad Ayaz Khan, Sudibya Kanti Khisa, Christian Kleinert, Monika Krengel, Hermann Kreutzmann, Matthias Kuhle, Antje Linkenbach, Fateh Mohammad Malik, Sigrid Meiners, Irina Alekseevna Merzliakova, Georg Miehe, Sabine Miehe, Daniel J. Miller, John Mock, Ulrike Müller-Böker, Saeed Ahmad Nagra, M. Jamal Nasir, Marcus Nüsser, Shekhar Pathak, Claudia Polzer, Rafiq Ahmed Rajput, Charles Ramble, Mohammad Said, Mohammad Salim, George B. Schaller, Udo Schickhoff, Uwe Schmidt, Christian G. Seeber, Nawang Tsering Shakspo, Chiranjivi Sharma, Abdul Ghani Sheikh, Harjit Singh, Joëlle Smadja, Irmtraud Stellrecht, Wu Sugong, Nejima Susuma, Martin Sökefeld, Haruko Tsuchiya, Hugh van Skyhawk, Juan José Victoria, Fei Yong, Yang Yongping. Series edited by: Irmtraud Stellrecht.

Series: CAK Culture Area Karakorum Volume 4.I + 4.II

36 pp. Roman, 1286 pp.
2 volumes, 28 folding maps, 28 maps, 79 b/w photos, 51 illustrations, 66 diagrams, 6 facsimile-reproductions, 76 tables
Text language(s): English
Format: 170 x 240 mm
2680 g
€ 98.00

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This two-volume edition consists of papers presented by scientists from several countries during the international, interdisciplinary symposium Karakorum – Hindukush – Himalaya. Dynamics of Change, held in Islamabad/ Pakistan in 1995. This symposium was organized by the coordinators of the Culture Area Karakorum research project, sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Central to the contributions by environmental, cultural and social scientists to this volume are the continuously-changing relationships between man, culture and environment in the high-mountain regions of the Karakorum, Pamir, Hindukush and Himalaya.


Part I

Irmtraud Stellrecht: Foreword

A. Processes of Landscape Formation

Kenneth Hewitt: Himalayan Indus Streams in the Holocene – Glacier-, and Landslide-‘Interrupted’ Fluvial Systems

Matthias Kuhle: The Ice Age Glaciation of East-Pamir (36º40'–39º10' N/74º40'–76º10' E)

Sigrid Meiners: Preliminary Results Concerning Historic to Post-Glacial Glacier Stages in the NW-Karakorum (Hispar Muztagh, Batura Muztagh, Rakaposhi Range)

Lasafam Iturrizaga: Preliminary Results of Field Observations on the Typology of Post-Glacial Debris Accumulations in the Karakorum and Himalaya Mountains

B. Vegetation and Climate

Sabine Miehe / Georg Miehe: Vegetation Patterns as Indicators of Climatic Humidity in the Western Karakorum

Zheng Du: A Comparative Study on the Altitudinal Belts in the Karakorum Mountains

Jens-Peter Jacobsen: Investigations into the Vertical Temperature and Precipitation Gradients in Two Test Areas in Northern Pakistan (Yasin and Bagrot)

Uwe Schmidt / Gerald Braun: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications for Phytoecological Modelling in a High Mountain Environment (Hunza-Karakorum, Northern Areas of Pakistan)

Aleem Ahmed Khan / Rafiq Ahmed Rajput: The Biodiversity of the Deosai Plateau, Baltistan, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Wu Sugong / Yang Yongping / Fei Yong: Flora of the Alpine Region of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

Fei Yong: Medicinal Plants in the Kunlun and Karakorum Mountains (Chinese Part)

Yang Yongping / Wu Sugong: Notes on the Chromosome Numbers of Alpine Plants of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Firdaus-e-Bareen / Syed H. Iqbal: Riparian Vegetation and Freshwater Fungal Flora of some Lakes in the Northern Areas

Firdaus-e-Bareen / Syed H. Iqbal: The Longitudinal Distribution Patterns of Freshwater Hyphomycetes along some Mountain Streams in the Northern Areas

Syed H. Iqbal / Firdaus-e-Bareen: Snow Group Hyphomycetes of the Karakorum Range

C. Environmental Risks and Utilization of Resources

Mohammad Said: Natural Hazards of Shigar Valley, Northern Areas of Pakistan

Irina Alekseevna Merzliakova: Environmental Hazards (Hait Earthquake) and Administrative Pressure for Resource Utilization (Pamiro-Alai Case Study)

Udo Schickhoff: Socio-Economic Background and Ecological Effects of Forest Destruction in Northern Pakistan

Parveen Daud Kamal / M. Jamal Nasir: The Impact of the Karakoram Highway on the Landuse of the Northern Areas

Marcus Nüsser: Animal Husbandry and Fodder Requirements around Nanga Parbat, Northern Areas, Pakistan – Recent and Historical Perspectives of Human-Ecological Relationships

Chiranjivi Sharma / Janardan B. Khatri Chhetri: Slash-and-Burn Agriculture in the Mount Makalu Range of Nepal

David Butz: Orientalist Representations of Resource Use in Shimshal, Pakistan, and their Extra-Discursive Effects

Joëlle Smadja / Monique Fort: Research on Diversity, Origin, and Evolution of Himalayan Nepalese Landscapes

Zahid Javed Janjua: Tradition and Change in the Darel and Tangir Valleys

D. Hydropower and Energy Supply

Juan José Victoria: Hydropower – An Energy Source for the Northern Areas of Pakistan

Kim Gutschow: Hydro-Logic in the Northwest Himalaya – Several Case Studies From Zangskar

Jürgen Clemens: Problems and Limitations of Rural Energy Supply in Mountainous Regions of Northern Pakistan – A Case Study on the Astor Tahsil and the Northern Areas

E. Processes of Settlement

Andreas Dittmann: Dynamics of Urban Development in Baltistan

Reinhard Fischer: The History of Settlement in Punial, Northern Areas of Pakistan, in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Christian Kleinert: The Impact of Tourism and Development on Houses and Settlement in the Kali Gandaki Valley (Central Nepal)

Charles Ramble / Christian Seeber: Investigations in Northern Mustang/Nepal 1995 – Dead and Living Settlements in the Shöyul Area

Niels Gutschow: Why Was it so Dark in Kak? From Darkness to Light – Thoughts about a Process of Change in Housebuilding in the Northern Himalaya

John Harrison: A Brief Introduction to the Architecture of the Kalasha, Chitral


Part II

Irmtraud Stellrecht: Foreword

F. Highland-Lowland Routes and Relationships

Irmtraud Stellrecht: Economic and Political Relationships between Northern Pakistan and Central as well as South Asia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Hermann Kreutzmann: Trans-Montane Exchange Patterns Prior to the Karakoram Highway

Haruko Tsuchiya: Field Research along the Ancient Routes in the Northern Areas of Pakistan (1991–1995)

Mhammad Anwar Khan: A Perspective on the Relationship between Pakistan and Central Asia after the Break-Up of the Former Soviet Union

Zhang Baiping: Recent Studies on the Northern Sino-Pakistan Highway Areas with a Proposal for the Northward Extension of the CAK Project

G. Development – Strategies and Conflict

Jack D. Ives: The Himalayan Dilemma Reconsidered

Tor Aase: Politics of Natural Resource Management in the Sai Valley, Gilgit District

Daniel J. Miller / George B. Schaller: Rangeland Dynamics in the Chang Tang Wildlife Reserve, Tibet

Antje Linkenbach: Forest Protection and Concepts of Development in the Garhwal Himalayas – People’s Perspectives

Shekhar Pathak: State, Society and Natural Resources in the Himalaya: Dynamics of Change in Colonial and Post-Colonial Uttarakhand

Yuri Badenkov: Mountain Tajikistan – A Model of Conflictory Development

Jürgen Clemens / Ruth Göhlen / Roland Hansen: Dialogues on the Development Process in Astor Valley – Insiders’ and Outsiders’ Perceptions and Experiences

Ulrike Müller-Böker: Wild Animals and Poor People – Conflicts between Conservation and Human Needs in Chitawan (Nepal)

Sudibya Kanti Khisa: Upland Settlement Programme within a Rubber-Based Agroforestry Farming System – A Sustainable Development Initiative for the Tribal Communities of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh

Shafeeq Ahmad / Umar Farooq: The Environmental Impacts of Coal Mining in the Punjab, Pakistan

H. Historical Dynamics

Muhammad Ayaz Khan: The Resonance of Gandhara Culture in Mansehra District of Hazara Division

Mohammad Salim: Ancient Man in the Northern Areas of Pakistan

Wolfgang Holzwarth: Change in Pre-Colonial Times – An Evaluation of Sources on the Karakorum and Eastern Hindukush Regions (from 1500 to 1800)

Abdul Ghani Sheikh: Ladakh and Baltistan through the Ages

Harjit Singh: Economy, Society and Culture – Dynamics of Change in Ladakh

Nawang Tsering Shakspo: Ladakh’s Relations with Baltistan

Mohammad Ishaq Khan: Dynamics of Kashmiri Culture vis-à-vis Brahmanism and Islam – A Historical Perspective

I. Dimensions of Culture

Martin Sökefeld: On the Concept of “Ethnic Group”

Nejima Susumu: Diversity of Lineages in Ghizer, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Claudia Polzer: The Break-Up of Village Communities in the Context of Elections in Baltistan, Northern Areas, Pakistan

Monika Krengel: Dominant Clans and Ritualized Exchange – Tradition and Change in Kumaon/Himalaya

Muhammad Azam Chaudhary: Blood Feuds in Chilas, Past and Present

Ruth Göhlen: Mobility and Freedom of Decision-Making of Women in Astor Valley (Pakistan-Himalaya)

Katrin Gratz: Walking on Women’s Paths in Gilgit – Gendered Space, Boundaries, and Boundary Crossing

Sandra de Vries: Old People and Modern Life in the Shigar Valley of Baltistan (Northern Pakistan)

Maheshwar P. Joshi: Culture Constructed by Intellectualism and the Intellectualism of Culture – the Case of Central Himalaya

Elena Bashir: Prospects for Interdisciplinary International Research and Educational Development in Chitral

Saeed Ahmad Nagra: Nutritional Status of the Population in the Northern Areas of Pakistan

Muhammad Hassan Hasrat: Traditional Healing System and Introduction of Modern Biomedicine in Baltistan Language and Literary Tradition

Roland Bielmeier: Balti Tibetan in its Historical Linguistic Context

Inayatullah Faizi: Language as a Phenomenon of Social Change – Khowar in Laspur, Chitral (Pakistan)

Erhard Bauer: Several Groups of Pashto-Speakers in Pakistan’s Northern Areas – Different Ways of Dealing with Multilingual Surroundings (Preliminary Results of Field Research)

Fateh Mohammad Malik: Unity and Variety in the Sµf¡-Poetic Traditon – The Legacy of Bãbã Siãr

John Mock: The Cannibal King of Gilgit

Hugh van Skyhawk: Underground Music in Gilgit

Review by Agnieszka Kuczkiewicz-Fras, see the link below:

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PDFReview by A. Kuczkiewicz-Fras(≈ 138 kB)
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