Zwischen Lohn und Liebe

ISBN 978-3-89645-313-6

Zwischen Lohn und Liebe

Frauen und neue Ungleichheiten in den Geschlechterverhältnissen

Author: Maria S. Rerrich. Series edited by: Trutz von Trotha †, Rainer Geißler.

Series: SBS Siegener Beiträge zur Soziologie Volume 2

90 pp.
Text language(s): German
Format: 160 x 240 mm
170 g
€ 29.80

For women, wage earning and working outside the home has undergone significant changes under market capitalism; work has changed from being an utter necessity born of poverty and hardship, then later a double burden for the businesswoman/ housewife, into an effective defense against household chores and being reduced to the role of ‘mere housewife’ and mother. For more than two decades Maria S. Rerrich has monitored the political, social, cultural and economic effects of these changes. Few have been able to demonstrate these developments so lucidly, with thorough and exhausting empirical studies, analytical sharpness and theoretical insight. Her surprising results will certainly influence and significantly contribute to scientific debate. At the same time Maria S. Rerrich is possessed of that rare gift: the ability to describe her scientific analyses and express her thoughts in words understood by the interested general public. In this way, she is making valuable contributions to the public debate on this issue.

Maria S. Rerrich has been Professor of Sociology at the faculty of Social Sciences, Fachhochschule München since 1993. She received the Helge Pross Award “for the sociology of gender or the family” in 1997, and held the concomitant lectures at the Universität-Gesamthochschule Siegen in 1998. Aside from her scholarly work Professor Rerrich is active in various representative bodies on the issues of equality and women’s rights.

The following Helge Pross lectures have been collected and published in the same series:

Accompanying material:

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