Reference Grammar of Yukuben (Jukunoid, Nigeria)

ISBN 978-3-89645-473-7

Reference Grammar of Yukuben (Jukunoid, Nigeria)

Author: Rose-Juliet Anyanwu. Series edited by: Herrmann Jungraithmayr, Norbert Cyffer, Rainer Voßen.

Series: WeStu Westafrikanische Studien Volume 36

329 pp.
5 figures, 65 tables and charts, index
Text language(s): English
Format: 160 x 240 mm
640 g
€ 59.80

Reference Grammar of Yukuben describes and documents the grammar of Yukuben, which belongs to a group of about 20 languages of north-east Nigeria with approx. 350.000 speakers. The work consists of the following major parts: an overview (including, for instance, information on the geo- and socio-cultural background), phonetics and phonology, tonology, morphology, as well as syntax. All these incorporate information and data from the two major dialects − Bā-lāābɘn and Bá-líssà – as the case may be. The work is primarily meant for linguists, especially those working with/on African language data.

It is intended to shed further light on the knowledge of southern Jukunoid, Nigeria. The Yukuben language has – in comparison to other hitherto documented Jukunoid languages – a rich structure, and is, therefore, particularly important, especially for comparative and re­construction exercises on (southern) Jukunoid. Part of this richness includes a functioning noun class system, though with partly lost (and mutated) noun classes and agreement elements.

The methodology adopted comprises empirical findings and analyses based, on the one hand, on free texts and, on the other hand, on structured texts in form of a questionnaire. It was moreover based on a gender-friendly approach, whereby information was elicited from both female and male speakers of various ages.

Under these links you will find publications by the author and descriptions of further Jukunoid and other Nigerian languages:

Accompanying material:


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