Heinrich Barth et l’Afrique

Heinrich Barth et l’Afrique

Heinrich Barth et l’Afrique

Heinrich Barth et l’Afrique

ISBN 978-3-89645-220-7
Obituary Volume for Heinrich Barth’s Arrival in West Africa 150 Years ago

Heinrich Barth et l’Afrique

Edited by: Mamadou Diawara, Paulo Fernando de Moraes Farias, Gerd Spittler. With contributions by: Paulo Fernando de Moraes Farias, Mamadou Diawara, Bernhard Gardi, Maria Grosz-Ngaté, Robert Harms, Adam Jones, Georg Klute, Richard Kuba, Achim von Oppen, Véronique Porra, Alain Ricard, Gerd Spittler, Isabelle Surun, Muhammad S. Umar. Series edited by: Holger Jebens, Karl-Heinz Kohl, Editha Platte †.

Series: SzK Studien zur Kulturkunde Volume 125

286 pp.
2 maps, 11 b/w photos, 17 illustrations, 2 tables, index
Text language(s): French, English
Format: 170 x 240 mm
560 g
€ 69.80

It has been 150 years in the year 2003 since the legendary arrival of German’s famous Africa researcher Heinrich Barth (16 Feb 1821 – 25 Nov 1865) in the mysterious city of Timbuktu. In August 1853 he attained the small place Bambara-Maoundé, coming from Dori (today’s Burkina Faso). Two weeks later he entered a pirogue to Sareyamou and reached Timbuktu in September. Not until nine months later he managed leaving the city towards East – after some unavailing attempts. It was this long sojourn in Timbuktu which we owe 500 written pages about today’s Mali, and the history of the Songhay and Timbuktu in Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Centralafrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855.

This jubilee was commemorated by the German Embassy in Mali, the Society of Technical Collaboration (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, today GIZ), the Research Centre Local Knowledge Point Sud, the Malian Minister of Education and the Heinrich-Barth Society (Cologne, Germany). The conference took place from 29 November to 5 December 2004, and served not only for the exchange of the researchers among themselves, but also for meetings with Malian scholars and the Malian public.

Thematic focuses have been Heinrich Barth, his epoch and Africa Heinrich Barth and the history of the Sahel Heinrich Barth as an anthropologist, mediator among peoples and cultures Heinrich Barth, art and literature. The present work contains the most important contributions of this congress. 14 articles dealing with diverse thematic issues give an eclectic survey of most recent research results concerning Barth’s life and work.



Gerd Spittler: Le contexte scientifique et politique

Mamadou Diawara: Le contexte de l’événement

Paulo Fernando de Moraes Farias: Les thématiques de l’ouvrage

Heinrich Barth en Europe et en Afrique

Richard Kuba: Heinrich Barth, une vie de chercheur

Gerd Spittler: Heinrich Barth, un voyageur savant en Afrique

Heinrich Barth – Texte et contexte

Alain Ricard / Gerd Spittler: Sur l’édition française de Barth

Véronique Porra: Entre description et inscription – Eléments de poétique des voyages de découvertes en Afrique au XIXe siècle

Achim von Oppen: The painting and the pen – Approaches to Heinrich Barth and his African heritage

Maria Grosz-Ngaté: Du terrain au texte – réflexions anthropologiques sur « Voyages et découvertes dans l’Afrique septentrionale et centrale », 1849–1855

Heinrich Barth et le quotidien en Afrique

Mamadou Diawara: Heinrich Barth et les gens du cru

Georg Klute: « Le continent noir » – Le savoir des Africains sur l’Europe et les Européens dans la récit de voyage de Heinrich Barth

Robert Harms: Heinrich Barth’s Construction of Nature

Bernhard Gardi: Heinrich Barth et l’artisanat africain

Heinrich Barth et l’histoire

Muhammad S. Umar: Reading Islamic Themes in Barth’s “Travels and Discoveries” through the Lens of Edward Said

Paulo Fernando de Moraes Farias: Barth, fondateur d’une lecture reductrice des chroniques de Tombouctou

Isabelle Surun: Tombouctou dans le regard des voyageurs européens au XIXe siècle – Du mythe à la description

Adam Jones: Barth and the Study of Africa in Germany

Under these links you will find further festschrifts and obituary editions for renowned scholars, as well as further studies of West African history, languages and cultures:

Accompanying material:



[...] this multidisciplinary collection is well suited to inspire not only those interested in a critical history of travel and exploration but also those concerned with West African history in general.

Sabine Voßkamp in African History, 49/2008, 141-143

Studierenden und Fachwissenschaftlern verschiedener Disziplinen bietet der Band einen guten Einstieg in Themenbereiche wie Reiseforschung, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Kulturkontakt u.a.m., indem diverse methodische Zugriffe auf die Persönlichkeit Barth sowie sein Werk zu weiterführenden Fragestellungen anregen.

Sabine Voßkamp in Periplus, 2008, 257-260

The emphasis in the present volume is on Barth’s influence in the development of European historiography and ethnography of Africa. There are many important questions and conclusions which are not limited to the personality of Barth only but concern the research in the history of European encounter and exploration of Africa in general. It is therefore most desirable that the present volume should reach a wider audience than the narrow confines of Barth’s fan club.

Pekka Masonen in Journal of African History, 81/2, 2011, 342-344

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