Deictics, Copula, and Focus in the Ethiopian Convergence Area

Deictics, Copula, and Focus in the Ethiopian Convergence Area

ISBN 978-3-89645-293-1

Deictics, Copula, and Focus in the Ethiopian Convergence Area

Edited by: Joachim Crass, Ronny Meyer. With contributions by: Azeb Amha, Baye Yimam, Joachim Crass, Debela Goshu, Girma A. Demeke, Gideon Goldenberg †, Hirut Woldemariam, Ronny Meyer, Rawda Siraj, Hans-Jürgen Sasse †, Gertrud Schneider-Blum, Rafael Suter, Yvonne Treis. Series founded by: Johannes Lukas †. Series edited by: Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg, H. Ekkehard Wolff.

Series: AFO Afrikanistische Forschungen Volume XV

212 pp.
numerous tables and charts
Text language(s): English
Format: 155 x 235 mm
320 g
€ 39.80

The present volume is the outcome of the workshop Copula constructions, focus and related topics in the Highland East Cushitic/Gurage convergence area organized by the editors. This workshop, held on December 10-11, 2004 at Mainz University, was supported by the German Research Foundation within the Collaborative Research Centre 295 Cultural and linguistic contacts – Processes of change in North Eastern Africa and West Asia (1997–2008).



Joachim Crass: Copula constructions in K’abeena and Libido
Hans-Jürgen Sasse: “Nominal” and “adjectival” predication in Lowland Eastern Cushitic
Gertrud Schneider-Blum: The “copula” in Alaaba
Yvonne Treis: Copulas in Kambaata

Azeb Amha: Non-verbal predication in Wolaitta
Debela Goshu: Copula constructions in Anfillo
Hirut Woldemariam: Deictics in Gamo Semitic
Baye Yimam / Rawda Siraj: Silt’e deictics
Girma A. Demeke: Copula constructions in Ge‘ez and Tigre
Gideon Goldenberg: Linguistic treatment of syntactical relations, the predicative bond and Gurage
Ronny Meyer: Non-verbal predication in East Gurage and Gunnän Gurage languages
Rafael Suter: Copula constructions and information structure in Inor

Under these links you will find further descriptions of Ethiopian languages and cultures, as well as publications by the contributors:

Accompanying material:



[...] it is a true mine of data and a bonanza of scientific hypotheses. There is much to learn and ponder on in this small, precious volume. It is also the first book trying to establish “from below” (from the data and from smaller subsets of languages) the long-debated issue of Ethiopia (or a part thereof) as a linguistic area. It is only to be hoped that it sets a model for further work.

Mauro Tosco in Aethiopica, 12/2009, 287-292

In short, I recommend this book warmly, as it is of importance not only for those interested in Ethiopic linguistics, but also offers genuine insights to those interested in focus systems, the typology of non-verbal predication, contact linguistics and grammaticalization processes.

Anne-Christie Hellenthal in Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 31/2, 2010, 287-289

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