Bole Language and Documentation Unit BOLDU, Report II

ISBN 978-3-89645-100-2

Bole Language and Documentation Unit BOLDU, Report II

Edited by: Dymitr Ibriszimow. With contributions by: Musa Masaya Aliyu, Hauwa Maina Bukar, Dymitr Ibriszimow, Sabri Salama. Series edited by: Herrmann Jungraithmayr, Norbert Cyffer.

Series: WeStu Westafrikanische Studien Volume 13

219 pp.
2 maps, 34 facsimile illustrations, 14 tables, 4 diagrams
Text language(s): English
€ 49.80

Following the first report of the working group BOLDU (Report I) on ethnological, ethno-linguistic and geographical areas of the Bole culture (volume 7 of this series, see link below), the BOLDU Report II is dedicated to the history of this northern Nigerian people (subgroup West Chadic A.2). For the first time, the history of the Bole (Girgam), written in Maghrebinian-Arabic, is represented in a facsimile reproduction of the original manuscript, an Arabic edition and a critical translation. Furthermore, the author offers a differentiated linguistic analysis and the comparison with further historical material.

On the basis of these considerations, the author tries to date the manuscript and the terms of office of some rulers exactly. A thorough examination of the lists of kings offers new insights to the last 600 years of the Bole. A description of the fates of a side line of the reigning dynasty completes the first part of the study. Part II contains an important contribution on the history of the Fika emirate during 1903 and 1904. The focus lies on social and economic changes before and during the British colonial time.


Part I:

Girgam – the History of the Bole (Fika) People
by Dymitr Ibriszimow


Other Translations and Versions of the Bole History

Characteristics of the Manuscript Ibriszimow/Gimba

Girgam – Facsimile, Arabic Edition, English Translation
by Dymitr Ibriszimow & Sabri Salama

Notes to the English Translation
by Dymitr Ibriszimow & Sabri Salama

A Comparison with other Translations of the Girgam (Palmer A, B and Merrick)

A Comparative List of the Bole Rulers

A Scheme of the Mama and Bawa Ruling Families

A Comparative Table of the Bole Rulers

Lists of Tinjas and Ciromas – Facsimile, English Translation



The Genesis of Courage, Leadership and Altruism
by Hauwa Maina Bukar


Part II

An Introduction to the History of Fika Emirate – 1903–1940
by Musa Masaya Aliyu

Environment and Peopling of the Area

The Economy and Society before the Colonial Conquest

The Conquest of the Area The Consolidation of the Colonial Domination (ca. 1903 to ca. 1939)


This Report II is as well available as Report I, both together in a recently revised hardcover edition, see the links below:



"Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen anderen kleinen Völkern Nordnigerias, deren Geschichte nur rudimentär in oralen Traditionen zu erfassen ist, können im Fall der Bole auf der Grundlage der schriftlichen Quelle des Girgam historische Zusammenhänge erschlossen werden. Dem Herausgeber von BOLDU Report II ist für die sorgfältige Edition einer Version des Girgam zu danken. Darüber hinaus ist ihm gelungen, durch die gleichzeitige Veröffentlichung weiterer Beiträge über die Bole den Bogen der Geschichte bis in die Gegenwart zu spannen und damit eine sehr empfehlenswerte Publikation über das Volk der Bole zu schaffen."

Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg in Afrika und Übersee, 81/1998, 148f

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