“Once a child leaves the womb, the community has to become the womb.”

ISBN 978-3-89645-852-0

“Once a child leaves the womb, the community has to become the womb.”

Breastfeeding in Black Communities

Author: Cecilia Sem Obeng, Darian Foster, Melissa Weinstein.

Series: TIAS Topics in Interdisciplinary African Studies Volume 52

10 pp. Roman, 83 pp.
Text language(s): English
Format: 160 x 240 mm
200 g
€ 36.80

Research has shown that breastfeeding offers numerous, significant health advantages for both mother and child. Furthermore, human milk has been continually cited as the ideal 'first food' for children. Despite the undeniable benefits, that breastfeeding offers to infants, their families and communities, the challenges and barriers to breastfeeding mothers are still present with little being pursued for a change. These issues require thorough discussion and remain a significant piece of the conversation regarding creating positive breastfeeding experiences.

The motivation behind writing this book stems from the call to discuss the nature of breastfeeding and illuminate the problems associated with it. An important aim of this book, therefore, is to elucidate the numerous benefits of breastfeeding and to encourage mothers to nurse their babies.

The chapters in the book are based on the beliefs of mothers, fathers, grandparents, and community leaders on how to increase breastfeeding. Scholarly work that exists in the area of breastfeeding is included in the book. Recommendations are made to society to come together to help mothers to increase breastfeeding rates for children.


Dr. Cecilia Obeng is a tenured Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at Indiana University, Bloomington. She holds a master’s level Professional Certification in Breastfeeding Practice and Policy from the University College of London-Institute of Child Health. Furthermore, she is an established scholar in the field of Pre-school Children’s Health and has published several peer-reviewed publications on children’s health and breastfeeding.

Ms. Darian Foster is a Lactation Specialist. She is a member of the Indiana Black Breastfeeding Coalition (IBBC) and serves as the organization’s Class Instructor.

Dr. Melissa Weinstein is an Assistant Professor of Public Health and Wellness at Curry College. Her research focuses on early childhood health and nutrition.


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